Maximum Oz Exposure Skilz

Sunday, January 28, 2007

43 & 44. Pure Blonde and Redback Beer

Pure Blonde
Smoothness 3
Cost 2
Piss-Factor 3
Aftertaste 2
Coolness 2

Redback Beer
Smoothness 4
Cost 3
Piss-Factor 3
Aftertaste 4
Coolness 4

As I’ve said before, the Crows nest area of North Sydney is littered with bars, cafes and restaurants and despite my realisations during Australia Day with regards to alcohol, we found ourselves in the aptly named “Stoned Crow” bar not far from our flat.

We had not been drunk since leaving Scotland and were now getting quite good at enjoying beer and wine for their own sake instead of just drinking them to get wasted. As always the sun was shining and while doing some exploring we happened upon this rather lavish bar. It seemed quite modern and trendy but there were all sorts of people in there from posh couples to big families dressed in shorts and t-shirts so we thought we’d stop in for a drink or two.

The staff were very friendly and welcoming and when I told them I was trying to taste lots of different beers while we were staying in Oz they recommended the above. All in all both were not bad. The Pure Blonde was a definite thirst quencher but otherwise a bit boring. The Redback, however, came across as Australia’s answer to the European weiss beers and it was super tasty. Perhaps not as rich as some of the wheat beers I’m used to drinking at home but the lightness of it suited the 29C day.


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