Maximum Oz Exposure Skilz

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

48. Tooheys Extra Dry Platinum

Smoothness 3
Cost 3
Piss-factor 5
Aftertaste 3
Coolness 1

We are already into February and although I knew that we’d be slowing down with the challenge I didn’t think that it would be happening so soon. Over the last 3 weeks I’ve settled into work and now I’m behaving like I would do at home. When I’m at work I can’t do anything new and when I’m not at work I find myself on the internet, or reading or chilling with a beer.

I decided that this wasn’t good as the whole point of the 365 Challenge was to make me maximise my time here. As with most things, I’d gotten off to a good start and now I’m struggling to get any further. I’ve only reached 48 and we’ve been away from home for 42 days. If things slow down any further then I’m never going to get to 365.

So I’ve got 2 choices. The first is to get my ass in gear and start using my days off more productively, the second is to drink more beer and wine. Today I decided to do both. I went out to the shops and bought loads of coloured pens then came home (via the bottle shop) to make an A2 chart that I’ve stuck on the fridge. The chart is bit of a mind map of things that we want to do while we are out here. It means that we can stick things down on it whenever we think of something new to do and then tick them off when they have been done.

As for the beer, well I don’t know why I bought this stuff. It’s relatively easy to drink but it’s 6.5% and after 2 I was already feeling it. Mind you I am a one-can-Dan these days so that’s no surprise. None-the-less it gets a 5 for Piss Factor as it’s so strong and so easy to drink. It was not cool though as it has labels (which I’ve decided are pointless) instead of embossing, and it’s made by the ubiquitous Tooheys company and since leaving home I’ve come to the realisation that being drunk is bad and this beer did it’s best to get me to change my mind so it only gets a 1 for coolness.


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