225. Hypnosis

Years later I worked with a surgical Registrar who did hypnosis and she said she was able to tell if people would be an easy subject or not. She took one look at me and said I would be a cinch. Now in all honesty that’s something that I already knew. Since I watched the guy in Ibiza do his stuff I knew that if I’d been on stage I’d have been clucking like a chicken and shouting “banana” at the top of my voice.
So… where am I going with this story? Well, I saw and advert for a hypnotherapy session and I was interested in giving it a bash. I’ll not going into the details of the theme but suffice it to say it was like having a private session with Paul McKenna. It was all… floaty and calming but I don’t know that it did any good. Certainly, I didn’t go to the gym straight after. Instead I went to Blockbusters and got 3 DVDs out which I spent the rest of the day watching. Still have two more sessions as part of the package but I’m pretty sure it’s just money down the tubes.
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