Maximum Oz Exposure Skilz

Saturday, January 20, 2007

30. Our First New Bed

This was a bit of a significant purchase. Not only was it the first queen sized bed I’ve ever owned and the first non-hand-me-down or non-second-hand bed I’ve owned, but it was also the first major purchase that Isla and I had paid for together. Till now all flat related purchases we’d made in the UK had been covered by me as the flat we lived in was mine and I was happy to cover those costs.

Although the inflatable mattress was reasonably comfortable it needed re-inflating every 3 days and it wasn’t exactly osteopath accredited. As Pacific Highway makes its way into Crows Nest from St Leonards there is a plethora of bed shops. Don’t ask me why there are so many here but it made shopping for a bed easy and within a couple of hours we had not only found a bed and mattress we liked but also managed to get an amazing deal on it. It wasn’t exactly within our budget but we figured that we’d be spending about a third of our time here in bed so we might as well get a decent one.


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