Maximum Oz Exposure Skilz

Monday, February 12, 2007

50. Orange Mocha Frappuccino! (well just a Mocha Frappuccino)

50. Orange Mocha Frappuccino! (well just a Mocha Frappuccino)

This is the line at the start of one of my favourite scenes in the movie Zoolander.

There had recently been a few rain storms raging through Sydney which were being welcomed by the locals due to the on-going drought and subsequent water restrictions. While the Sydney-siders were happy to see the rain, I was not. I’d spent 30-odd years in a rain plagued country and until recently had been enjoying the reliability of the Australian sun.

Once again I was walking through the city centre when another deluge began. I jumped into an already busy Starbucks and when the shower showed no sign of relenting I decided to get something to make me feel better. As I read down the extensive list of coffees I saw a mocha frappuccino! I didn’t realise that they actually existed but alas there was no orange version so I had to settle for the basic version.

For those of you who haven’t seen Zoolander then this means nothing to you but suffice it to say that Derek and his model buddies drink this to make Derek feel better when he’s depressed. It certainly worked for me.

I have since found out that the orange one exists but it’s called the Mocha Valencia and I don’t know if any of the branches here sell it but I shall endevour to find out and report back.


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