I don’t really know what to say about this. In fairness, it was a new place to visit but it was the same as every other aquarium that I’ve been too. It contained all the same fishes and sea mammals seen in every other aquarium and it had the obligatory shark tunnel, over crowded with harmless sharks and rays.

There was one really cool thing; they had a massive salt water croc in a pool half way through the centre. It really was huge and looked like a dinosaur. However, he didn’t really do very much and despite waiting for a while nothing exciting happened. Actually it was a bit sad as the tank was quite small and although he’s a reptile and not a mammal, he still looked totally bored.

This is probably my favourite picture of the day since it looks so ominous and frightening. The shark tunnel is quite dark and as you walk through it you are constantly surprised by something cruising towards you out of the darkness. Something else which is great is that they DON’T have a conveyor belt so you can take your time in the tunnel. Every other one I’ve been in pushes you through too quickly and photos are impossible.

I suppose if you’ve never been to an aquarium then this is worth visit but to be honest it’s pretty much a carbon copy of all the rest.
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