65 & 66. Forming a cycle group and Bobbin Head Cycle.
Our first cycle saw 5 folk from work hit the Bobbin Head road at 10am. As well as me there was a consultant, 2 nurses and a wardsman. We met at Turramurra station and boosted onto Bobbin Head Rd and cruised on the 4km downhill to Bobbin Head. What a rush. Averaging about 55km/h, we were at the bottom in about 10mins. We took some time to explore the area and walk the boardwalk at the bottom and see the local wildlife which consisted of a while bunch of crabs that chewed the mud.
The we back up we crazy. Road bikes just do not have enough gears in my humble opinion and I spent 20 mins busting a gut just to get to the top. I was so happy reaching the top especially since I made it without stopping although I ran out of gears about half way up and if the road had got steeper I would have been in real trouble.
The Australian place names are still making me laugh... Bobbin Head heeheehee x
2:57 PM
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