232. Drive Through Bottle-O
He met me at the train station and although I’d brought a bottle of champers to give to his wife to say thanks for putting up with our inevitable bad behaviour I’d not brought any beer as I really couldn’t be bothered carrying it on the train. So I asked Fraser to stop at an off-licence so that I could pick up a couple of six packs. He exact words were, “Well there’s only one near hear and it’s a real hastle!”
I replied that it was no big deal and lied that I could possible manage a night of Gears of War on the xbox 360 followed by some crucial Scottish rugby without beer but then realised his sarcasm as we pulled into the bottle-o car park and someone ran up to the window and said, “What can I get you?” Awesome! A drive through booze shop. You don’t even have to get out your car to get your beers – they bring it to the car and shove in the back seat for you.
It wasn’t long before we were sozzled and I was too pissed to care that Scotland was fielding a second string team that was being systematically dismantled by the Kiwis resulting in a 40 nil hammering. Oh well – we ended up staying in the competition longer than the New Zealanders anyway (by 1 day!)
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